Pediatric Eyecare

About Pediatric Eyecare

pediatric eyecare


80% of what we learn is done via our visual system, therefore a trip to the Eye Doctor is just as essential as the annual physical and teeth cleaning. According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), all children should have their eyes examined at the age of 6 months, 3 years and then annually at the start of school. Early detection of eye diseases and visual disorders can be the difference between success and struggle in learning and self estimate.

In our office we evaluate children’s color vision, depth perception, eyeglass prescription and conditions such as dry eyes and allergies. We also evaluate children for problems with ocular alignment (eye turns) and focusing issues that can lead to trouble in school.

Did you know that children can wear Contact Lenses, too? Some children refuse to wear their eyeglasses despite knowing how important they are. With proper Contact Lens training we can help your child achieve self confidence while seeing clearly and comfortably.

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